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Other Basic Medium

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Other Basic Medium
Product Name Size Description Brand
M199 Medium with Hanks salts 500ml 10x,Hank′s salt,without L-Glutamine,without NaHCO3 PAN
M199 Medium with Hanks salts 500ml Hank′s salt,without L-Glutamine PAN
M199 Medium with Hanks salts 500ml Hank′s salt,with L-Glutamine,with 25mM Hepes PAN
M199 Medium with Earle′s salts 50L Power,Earle′s salt,with L-Glutamine,without NaHCO3 PAN
M199 Medium with Earle′s salts 500ml Earle′s salt,with stable Glutamine PAN
M199 Medium with Earle′s salts 500ml Earle′s salt,without L-Glutamine PAN
M199 Medium with Earle′s salts 500ml Earle′s salt,with L-Glutamine,with 25mM Hepes PAN
BME with Hank‘s Salts 500ml/bottle without L-Glutamine, with 0.35g/L Sodium bicarbonate PAN
LEIBOVITZS L-15 MEDIUM 500ml with L-Glutamine PAN
TNM-FH Medium 500ml with L-Glutamine PAN
Joklik-MEM Medium 500ml with L-Glutamine,with 15mM Hepes PAN
MCDB131 Medium 500ml with L-Glutamine PAN
Waymouth′s MB 752/1 Medium 500ml with L-Glutamine PAN
TC100 Insect Medium 500ml with L-Glutamine PAN
Schneider′s Drosophila Demium 500ml with L-Glutamine,with 0,40 g/l NaHCO3 PAN
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