Vitamin and amino acid

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  • BiowestBrand:
  • P1012-500GRCat No:
  • 500gSize:
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L-Glutamine is an essential amino acid required by all mammalian and insect cells for their culture. It is a crucial component of many cell culture media and serves as a major energy source for cells in culture. L-Glutamine is very stable as a dry powder and as a frozen solution. However, in liquid media or stock solutions, L-Glutamine can degrade relatively rapidly. L-Glutamine is also more labile in cell culture solution than other amino acids. Optimal cell performance usually requires supplementation to the media with 2-8 mM L-Glutamine prior to use.




Non sterile,Powder.

Storage and Stability:



L-Glutamine is an essential amino acid required by all mammalian and insect cells for their culture.

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