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M199 Medium with Earle′s salts
  • PANBrand:
  • P04-07150Cat No:
  • 500mlSize:
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M199 Medium with Earle′s salts

The M199 Medium was originally developed to assay the nutrient demand of embryonic chicken fibroblasts. But itworks very well with cells from many different animal species. For example, it is used for vaccine production in virology. For long term cultures serum shoud be added.


Earle′s salt,with L-Glutamine,with 25mM Hepes


  • Compared to other basal media, Medium 199 contains unique components, including adenine, adenosine, hypoxanthine, thymine, and additional vitamins.

Storage and Stability:



  • Versatile medium. 
  • Cultivation of non-tranformed cells.
  • Frequently used in virology and vaccine production. 
  • In vitro cultivation of primary explants of epithelial mouse pancreas cells and rat tissues.
  • Endothelial cells.

Product Literature:


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