RPMI 1640

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RPMI 1640
  • PANBrand:
  • P04-18500Cat No:
  • 500mlSize:
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RPMI 1640

Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 medium was originally developed to culture human leukemic cells in suspension and as a monolayer.RPMI 1640 contains biotin, vitamin B12 and PABA which are not found in Eagles Minimal Essential Medium or Dulbeccos Modified Eagle Medium. In addition, the vitamins inositol and choline are present in very high concentrations.


with stab. Glutamine


  • Enriched medium, based on the formua of RPMI1630.
  • Originally developed for suspension and monolayer culture from human leukaemia cells.

Storage and Stability:



  • For the growth of most cell lines.
  • For cultivation of human and animal lymphocytes.

Product Literature:


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